Sublimation sportswear, uniforms, Manufacturers, Exporters, Suppliers, USA, UK, Australia, Spain,

We are trusted sublimated and non sublimated cricket uniform, Soccer uniforms, Hockey uniforms, Basketball uniforms, Baseball uniforms, Volleyball uniforms, manufacturers exporter & wholesale suppliers in USA, UK, Australia, Spain, Canada, Italy, Franc, UAE, Germany and others Countries
Please visit our range at:
We are recognized as one of the most trusted worldwide supplier of sportswear in Sialkot Pakistan.
You can Order online all type of sportswear. We have a lot of experience in customize uniform. We offer a team name, player name, club logo, front back and shoulder numbers and required color on the jersey. If you have your own design you can send us and we provide you 100% same

Contact Us: Multi Trading House
Noble Tehcno chem, Defence Road, Hashim Pura, Sialkot, Pakistan 51310
Mobile: (whatsapp,imo,viber) +923335451245 +923456677749


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