Vinicius Jr fue una vez más el blanco de viles insultos raciales durante el encuentro del Real Madrid con el Valencia el domingo. Su desgarradora reacción ha provocado indignación entre la comunidad futbolística. Muchos compañeros profesionales, como Kylian Mbappe, desde entonces le han ofrecido su apoyo. #ViniciusJr #RealMadrid #Liga ————————————— Es bueno escuchar todo tipos de reacciones, definitivamente usaremos sus comentarios para nuestros próximos videos. Activa las notificaciones, si no quieres perderte nada de Oh My Goal – Noticias. Síguenos: YouTube – Historias de fútbol – Oh My Goal: YouTube – Oh My Goal – Noticias: YouTube – Oh My Goal – Lo mejor del fútbol: YouTube – What The Hell? – Oh My Goal: YouTube – Amazing Talents: YouTube – Oh My Goal – Pantalones cortos: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ———————— ————— © Oh Mi Gol – Jellysmack
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La desgarradora reacción de Vinícius Júnior al abuso racista

Vini jr and all other black football players should leave the country and locate to another country where they'll be accepted.
There is nothing horrible then a whole a people promoting racist
Why would anyone watch or support a league that condones racist in their stadiums. Those Valencia players…. everyone of them… the entire stadium? WOW
This video starts with a lie. The stadium is screaming “Tonto” which means “Dumb”. So the next arguments about racism in the Spanish league are based on a false premise.
how much euros this he makes. .?????
No surprise, It’s been going on quite a while, the conquistadors etc….
As a City Fan,I stand with Vini
Yes I support for him to leave liliga that is unfair.

So is this a civilized nation or junkyard of European racism which is still alive in 2023 .
That team city should be called out of soccer competition for at lest one year
To all Africans commenting here…..
Reminder of how you quickly love to support France and other countries when they go againsts Muslims …..
You should know; Deep inside they hate you too…….
This is sad………..very SAD

For spanish..dont be like jewish israelis…
My advice…leave la liga..join epl..join man city with haarland…u will be explode…
The mon key is always the key mon
Should leave n join spurs, seriously.
f I were spanish I would be very ashamed. Racists* Headquarters
When your pockets are full, THEN LEAVE
I never understand why black players wanna play in Spain and Italy
Educated RACISM La Liga style. The problem is deep, and the Spanish football federation is responsible for their PATHETIC example. The list is long of black players victims in major capitals of the country; just ask Samuel Eto'o, and Dani Alves, etc. etc.
J'ai pleuré à sa place
The only way the league and fans will start getting the message is through subsequent boycotts from black players. The only thing that hurts a racist is his pocket$
racism in spain is growing so the nation they have do more
Seems like they are using racist slurs to bully him and pressure him to leave. He has been placed between a rock and a hard place, if he leaves he concedes racists slurs work as an effective technique against professional soccer players, if he stays and tolerates the insults, the real racists will see it as a win. La Liga depends on the revenue from all its fans, they will continue to condemn racism in public, but doubt they'll do anything else to stop it.
Why why calling someone a monkey because of his/her skin color
Racial segregation will never end as long we are different in complexion
Suspend that ref and fine him on top of that.!!!!
my support for Vinícius!
Everything you do in Europe you can do it in Africa you can build all those stadiums if you decide too but no ya don't wanna do it and this is the result and it will never stop!
If they can't find a solution is because they don't want to…that's part of their DNA, they will never change not in a million years.
I am sure there are cameras in that stadium and facial recognition can be made on those fans and be arrested and dealt with
I'm a Barça Fan any day anytime, But on RACISM I STAND WITH VINI.
LA "racism" LIGA
The God who created vinicius junior is the God who created them. and God knows why he created people in different colours, so they are just wasting their time only colour is different but blood is not
He on £350000 a week making big meal off it John Barnes had banans throne on to the pitch these black players are youseing there colour too much
liverpool fans have vini's back all the way
Leaving Laliga will not solve racism officials should take stern measures get a video of the perpetrator ban him or her from. entering any football game in the. World
As a real madrid fan i stand with vinicious
This is crazy!!! Jr we all that love this sport stand with you!!
FIFA should hire and deploy undercover agents disguised as fans in every game to take down those racist fans and should permanently ban them from attending any further game. This is getting out hand.
BLACK is beautiful, BLACK is Gold!
our skin doesn't define us but our hearts does
Whites have mind of Colony and we blacks are true human who understands nothing about race, our conscious is free from such wicked mind. We lead in every sport and in all aspects of life, this is who were are the mother of all race
If Vini Jr is being called mono because of his skin colour, should the white spaniards be called as cerdo??
Wonder how La Liga will react if it were transphobia or anti-semitism by the fans
Imagine if Vini leaves, all black players and non spanish from every team also leaves Spain as support. It would be death to La Liga