‘Spain is a country of racists’: Real Madrid’s Vini Jr calls out La Liga #itvnews #vinijr #laliga

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8 opiniones en “‘Spain is a country of racists’: Real Madrid’s Vini Jr calls out La Liga #itvnews #vinijr #laliga”

  1. Lot of people have been saying this….its sad. The league should be sue for abuse to a player n so the fans. This behaviour should not be allowed in a soccer league. They like to win but the players dont get respect n this has been happening for a long time. They need to make changes. We are not in those years. 😮

  2. Of course you lot extract him saying “Spain is a country of racists” because you know it sounds like a bold statement, even though it’s been taken completely out of context. to say that Spain isn’t filled with racism and normalised racism would be a lie so let’s not do this again

  3. This isn’t new, Spain has some racist ass Fans who don’t give a F who they’re making monkey noises at. Was in Spain 2 months ago and someone pelted a banana at me on the strip. I almost forgot about my race until that happened. It’s a pity because they’re are honestly some beautiful kind Spanish people and this is what people see instead.

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