EPISODIO 871 – Cómo hacer huevos revueltos con ajo | Receta de Revuelto al Ajillo RECETA COMPLETA AQUÍ: VISITA TIENDA.COM ¡Usa el código de cupón ONAFORK para obtener un 10 % de descuento en tu pedido! QUESO MANCHEGO USÉ: CONSIGUE TU ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR DELANTAL Y CAMISETA AQUÍ: TU APOYO AYUDA A ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR A SEGUIR: APOYAME EN PATREON: CONSIGUE TODOS MIS EQUIPOS E INGREDIENTES EN MI TIENDA AFILIADA DE AMAZON: —– ————————————————– ———- ***Nuevos videos todos los lunes y viernes – Recuerda suscribirte y hacer clic en el icono de campana para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos*** ———— ————————————————– — Equipos e ingredientes que uso – Enlaces de afiliados de Amazon: MI SARTÉN ANTIADHERENTE: OLLAS Y SARTENES USO: MI CUCHILLO DE CHEF: MICRÓFONO USO: CÁMARA USO: PIMENTÓN DULCE AHUMADO ESPAÑOL: MI PAELLA DE ACERO CARBONO: MI PAELLA ESMALTADA: ARROZ REDONDO ESPAÑOL UTILIZO: MI CALDO DE VERDURAS CASERO CALDO DE PESCADO ESPAÑOL: TABLA DE CORTE DE MADERA: MI PROCESADOR DE ALIMENTOS: MORTERO: Spain on a Fork es miembro del Programa de Afiliados de Amazon. Si compras a través de estos enlaces, pagas el mismo precio y Spain on a Fork recibe una pequeña comisión, que ayuda con todos los gastos para mantener Spain on a Fork en marcha. Gracias por tu apoyo
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Español AJO Huevos Revueltos | Cómo hacer los MEJORES huevos revueltos

I decided to add thinly diced onions and tomato as well as cilantro! Thanks for a GREAT
These are great!
Definitely making! Thankyou
The garlic and the kiss of manchego cheese must make these scrambled eggs out of this world! Thanks for another great recipe!


Awesome recipe. You have a gift from above. So glad I found your channel. No idea how I did that.

I’ve always added a bit of milk to my scrambled eggs, without ever questioning it. Now I know that I’m helping the eggs steam. Thanks for that!
Looks good but, BUT, where is the butter? Water too. My French buddies will be in tears.
Mmmmmm with a few pieces of toasted baguette and a glass of fresh fruit juice for a weekend breakfast

Albert: Delicious. Scrambies al Ajillo — I am there… and with all that garlic goodness!
A definite
Thanks again. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~
This is a similar technique to Cantonese scrambled eggs. Interesting.
Thank you, will try
they bred the taste out of the garlic, so that you need 6 cloves where you took only one ten years ago.
Garlic and eggs? Yes please! And yes coming from the United States that cheese is super hard to find but I've tasted it before while in Spain and it is super delicious
And making this today.
Your wife is a lucky lady? I'm going to give this recipe a try
I am definitely going to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing!
You make me want to make your recipes
thank you!
I was just wondering what to have for breakfast…. now I know.
But I'll be using caciocavallo cheese since it's what I have.
I’ll try it with tofu and vegan
cheese. Thank you 
Thank you….lovvve from india