EPISODIO 870 – Cómo hacer salmón y frijoles españoles | Receta Olla de Salmón con Alubias RECETA COMPLETA AQUÍ: AZAFRÁN USÉ: PON TU ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR DELANTAL Y CAMISETA AQUÍ: TU APOYO AYUDA A ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR SIGUE ADELANTE: APOYAME EN PATREON: CONSIGUE TODO MI EQUIPO E INGREDIENTES DE MI TIENDA AFILIADA DE AMAZON: ———————————————- ——————- ***Nuevos videos todos los lunes y viernes: recuerda suscribirte y haz clic en el icono de campana para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos*** — ————————————————– ———— Equipos e ingredientes que uso – Enlaces de afiliados de Amazon: MI SARTÉN ANTIADHERENTE: OLLAS Y SARTENES USO: MI CUCHILLO DE CHEF: MICRÓFONO USO: CÁMARA USO: DULCE AHUMADO ESPAÑOL PIMENTÓN: MI PAELLA DE ACERO CARBONO: MI PAELLA ESMALTADA: ARROZ REDONDO ESPAÑOL UTILIZO: MI CALDO DE VERDURAS CASERO CALDO DE PESCADO ESPAÑOL: TABLA PARA CORTAR MADERA: MI PROCESADOR DE ALIMENTOS: MORTERO: Spain on a Fork es miembro de Amazon Affiliates Programa. Si compras a través de estos enlaces, pagas el mismo precio y Spain on a Fork recibe una pequeña comisión, que ayuda con todos los gastos para mantener Spain on a Fork en marcha. Gracias por tu apoyo 🙂
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24 opiniones en “ONE-PAN Salmón español y frijoles | Receta de 30 minutos saludable para el corazón”
Comentarios cerrados.
You're a king, brother, LOVE the channel. Spanish food is some of the best in the world. I have learned so much from your videos about simple and healthy cooking. You da man!!
This is going to be delicious.
That's my supper tonight! Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂
fantastic recipe
Delicious AND so healthy to boot! Bravo, Alberto! 😋❤️
A perfect busy weekend dinner👍
❤ gracias for sharing such a great receta. Can’t wait to try it. Como toda latina voy a remplazar el for rice 😂. God bless you
I was just thinking about an easy salmon dish to make this weekend, and here it is right in front of me! EXCELLENT!
This I must try!
Just bought my slab of salmon from Costco and now I know what to do with it!!! Thanks Albert!!! What Spanish wine would you recommend?
Looks like my thing!
like video my ferind
Always love your Salmon dishes. Yummy, quick, healthy, and simple.
I love to watch you cook. I'm going to change up alot of my meals fir health reasons. Thank you 😂
As always another simple yet delicious dish. Muchas gracias!
Make something with red meat and eat it in a video
Albert: Delicious: I❤salmon AND beans… BOTH good for the ❤!!! Another WILL-make and soon.
Thanks again, and have a great weekend. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~
I’m hungry!!! That looks delicious!!! Thank you!!!💕🙏🌹
Looks so good if you use a white fish instead! I can't stand salmon!
Looks GORGEOUS can’t wait to try it.
Awesome! Thanks, Andrew
Can you believe I pulled salmon out of the freezer for lunch today , and I have some white beans in the fridge! Looks like salmon and beans for lunch today! Thanks, as always Albert!
Thanks a lot 👍👍👍🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🍂🍃⚘🍀🥀🪴
Deliciousness on a plate and so easy to cook!