EPISODIO 869 – Cómo hacer pimientos rellenos españoles con pan de ajo y queso | Receta de Pimientos Rellenos de Pan y Queso RECETA COMPLETA AQUÍ: PIMENTÓN ESPAÑOL USÉ: ***haz clic en la despensa y verás los pimentones, el 25% de DESCUENTO se deducirá automáticamente al pagar*** OBTENGA SU ESPAÑA EN UN DELANTAL DE TENEDOR Y CAMISETA AQUÍ: TU APOYO AYUDA A ESPAÑA EN UNA HORQUILLA SIGUE ADELANTE: APOYAME EN PATREON: CONSIGUE TODO MI EQUIPO E INGREDIENTES EN MI TIENDA AFILIADA DE AMAZON: —————– ———————————————— ** *Nuevos videos todos los lunes y viernes: recuerda suscribirte y hacer clic en el icono de la campana para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos*** ———————— —————————————– Equipos e ingredientes que utilizo – Enlaces de afiliados de Amazon : MI SARTÉN ANTIADHERENTE: OLLAS Y SARTENES USO: MI CUCHILLO DE CHEF: MICRÓFONO USO: CÁMARA USO: PIMENTÓN DULCE AHUMADO: MI PAELLA DE ACERO CARBONO: MI PAELLA ESMALTADA: ARROZ REDONDO USO: MY HOMEMADE CALDO DE VERDURAS CALDO DE PESCADO ESPAÑOL: TABLA DE CORTAR DE MADERA: MI PROCESADOR DE ALIMENTOS: MORTERO Y MAJA: Spain on a Fork es miembro del Programa de Afiliados de Amazon. Si compras a través de estos enlaces, pagas el mismo precio y Spain on a Fork recibe una pequeña comisión, que ayuda con todos los gastos para mantener Spain on a Fork en marcha. Gracias por tu apoyo
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PIMIENTOS RELLENOS con Pan de Ajo y Queso | Receta FÁCIL

Looks delicious!
I like your recipe very much
looks good.. whats not to like with those ingredients :o)
You are just so cute. Loved the recipe. Karla in Cali.
Could we add pine nuts and almonds fish like boquerones to it maybe spices like paprika i think olives and raisins go well
I have tried with fish substituting Bacalao ever tried this recipe need to try this one can't find Spanish cheese but could find good bread
Looks wonderful, but I will precook the peppers to soften more.
I grow Italian Sweet Peppers in my garden, I bet this would be amazing with those. Plus I’m thinking maybe this might make a great appetizer stuffing jalapeños… looking forward to trying this recipe. Thanks Albert!
Looks great!
Excellent tip with the garlic. Even that garlic bread looks fabulous to me. I'm not of a cheese eater so the peppers are out but the garlic bread is in.
Needs some meat! Maybe chicken breast to keep the flavor close to original. Ima try it.
Wow! Looks delish!
I needed an idea for stuffed bell peppers. Already got the cheese, but not the baguette. Thank you!
I love stuffed peppers! Good recipe!
I’m a stuffed vegetable fan
Everything is so so Gay !!!
Looks scrumptious
I love your videos! your voice and cadence and style of delivery is so comforting. thank you for all the yummy recipes!!
This makes me so hungry! YUMMY!! SHARED
Looks delicious and I can't wait to try this.

Looks to die for!

Albert: Delicious. I LOVE BELLPEPPERS !!! And another winner with garlic goodness! Oh… also
easy ← (my favorite) and I can't wait to try. Thanks again. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~
perfect for me as vegetarian- looks delicious !! Thank you !

Ha ha….I was hoping to see you shove the whole thing in your mouth, lol.
Those look great, Albert…luv ya….eat large.
Beautiful, tipical summer dish, all we need is a cool Spanish white wine….
Looks delicious
! No tomato sauce! Yay 
My wife doesn't like bell peppers; her loss! Almost to the end and I was thinking: "No paprika?", but you came through in the end!
Oh yummy!…Wow
Wow. Looks delicious. Thanks.
Si amigo, you are a professional chef. Another lesson for me, the way you prepare the garlic, good idea, mine most of the time they burn. Ensueño de musica!
I’ve just finished watching the video. Within 30 seconds, I’ve added the ingredients to my shopping basket. This looks utterly divine.
El mejor de los mejores!!!
Looks tasty
So good