EPISODIO 865 – Cómo hacer croquetas de atún a la española | Receta Croquetas de Atún RECETA COMPLETA AQUÍ: VISITE TIENDA.COM ¡Use el código de cupón ONAFORK para obtener un 10% de descuento en su pedido! ATÚN EN LATA ESPAÑOL USÉ: CONSIGUE TU ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR DELANTAL Y CAMISETA AQUÍ: TU APOYO AYUDA A ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR A SEGUIR: APOYAME EN PATREON: CONSIGUE TODOS MIS EQUIPOS E INGREDIENTES EN MI TIENDA AFILIADA DE AMAZON: —- ————————————————– ———– ***Nuevos videos todos los lunes y viernes: recuerda suscribirte y hacer clic en el icono de campana para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos*** ———– ————————————————– —- Equipos e ingredientes que uso – Enlaces de afiliados de Amazon: MI SARTÉN ANTIADHERENTE: OLLAS Y SARTENES USO: MI CUCHILLO DE CHEF: MICRÓFONO USO: CÁMARA USO: PIMENTÓN DULCE AHUMADO: MI PAELLA DE ACERO CARBONO: MI PAELLA ESMALTADA: ARROZ REDONDO ESPAÑOL UTILIZO: MI CALDO DE VERDURAS CASERO CALDO DE PESCADO ESPAÑOL: TABLA DE CORTE DE MADERA: MI PROCESADOR DE ALIMENTOS: MORTERO: Spain on a Fork es miembro del Programa de Afiliados de Amazon. Si compras a través de estos enlaces, pagas el mismo precio y Spain on a Fork recibe una pequeña comisión, que ayuda con todos los gastos para mantener Spain on a Fork en marcha. Gracias por tu apoyo
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¿Tienes atún enlatado? Haz estas DELICIOSAS Croquetas de Atún de España

I'm sure it tastes very good. I'll cook that soon.
I’m definitely making your aioli to dip these croquettes in!
Thanks for the nod to gluten free ingredients.
Dont yavd canned tuna but gave sardines and pilchards so will try with them
I wish we were neighbors.
Make something with red meat and eat it in a video
These look so good!!! In Japan we eat croquettes a lot, I think they come from Portuguese influence.
Me encanta ver cómo has hecho esas croquetas riquísimas deben de estar las voy a cocinar yo muchísimas gracias por está estupenda receta
Thanks dude! Great channel.
Yum! What a clever trick making the roux adding flour into all the other ingredients in the pan and then adding the milk. Saves washing up an extra saucepan that would be necessary to make a white sauce/bechamal separately. And much quicker! Will try this for sure!
Thanks Albert.
Croquettes are one of my favorite dishes that my mother made! Rico!

Albert: Delicious. Another MUST-make. I
TUNA in olive oil. Always a main staple in the house
(OK-OK, favorite bachelor food). Thanks again. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~
My mum used to make croquettes often using leftovers and they were fabulous but sadly I never watched her making them, now I know how, thank you. Mum would waste nothing, she was brought up during a difficult time in Spain and food was never wasted.
When we moved to Australia in the early '60s, life was much better here but she always held on to her ways of never being wasteful with anything especially food. I will make these and using this method I'll make some with other main ingredients as well.
I have cans of tuna in my house and needed some inspiration. Thank you!
A million thanks for calling them croquettes instead of the vulgar "patties" so many of all social classes label them.
Bet Salmon would be good as well.
Last month I went to a Spanish specialty store in Toronto, the only place where I can find conservas imported directly from Spain. I bought 6 cans of tuna, some in oil and some in water or vinegar. This would have been a perfect recipe, but I just found out my dad ate all of it lol – I'm so mad!
Tinned Tuna in Spain is 1000% better than the shite we get in the UK!
I’ll make those! Thank you!