Terminando el PARAÍSO DEL AGUA en España!! ¡Únete a nosotros en este increíble viaje a Europa, donde estamos construyendo nuestro primer jardín acuático en España! ¡Estamos de vuelta en España trabajando duro para mostrarte el paraíso del agua terminado! ¡Y esperamos no estar exagerando cuando decimos que el proyecto terminó siendo impresionante! Si está interesado en discutir un proyecto de viaje a gran escala, puede enviar un correo electrónico a jaak@atlantiswatergardens.com con algunas fotos de su espacio y podemos programar una llamada telefónica. Suscríbase a Decker’s Pondscapes aquí: Si está interesado en tener un proyecto como este instalado en su hogar, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para comenzar: ¡Le traeremos construcciones de elementos acuáticos TODOS LOS SÁBADOS a las 10 a. m.! SUSCRÍBETE AQUÍ: Sitio web: Redes sociales: Houzz: Atlantis Water Gardens está ubicado en 3017 Route 10 en Denville (Condado de Morris), NJ (Nueva Jersey) con una tienda completa de suministros para estanques y se especializa en el diseño, mantenimiento y construcción de estanques de peces en el patio trasero , cascadas de cantos rodados, paisajes de fuentes, elementos decorativos de agua, estanques de aspecto natural, estanques de peces koi y estanques de peces dorados al aire libre para paisajes de patio trasero
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Terminando el PARAÍSO DEL AGUA en España en 10 minutos!!

They’re BACK BABY!!! Lets go! That patio is gorgeous looks great Braddah Jaak a true work of art I’m gonna catch the last episode tomorrow can’t wait!

Gods artist
Outstanding project and video. What pumps are you using for this project?
Awesome work
can't wait to see it with the plants!
Amazing. Looks like the house was built around the pond. Perfect placement.
I just love watching this project come together!
This has been the best "series" to watch by far! It was fun to see a lot of our favorite "stand-ins" come out to help and how much this project meant to them.
My questions are, what do the neighbors think of this American building a house and importing more Americans to landscape his property? Have the neighbors been curious enough to see what was happening? Sounds like you turned 1 worker into pursuing a CAC degree. This is an amazing build!!
I had a feeling that Sandy Beach would not work out in practicality for the same reason you mentioned. However, it has certainly turned out to be an Absolutely Breathtakingly Beautiful Pond.
and trees
are planted in, it will look like a private resort.
I love the Contrast from the Rocks and the dark Gravel, which really elevates the hight of the Rocks and really makes it Pop.
Also, when all the beautiful plants
The hidden Firepit is cool.
Like 156 is now up to say thankyou very much for sharing.

Take care, Sir.
Love what Chris Hanson said it's the people that you do life with that's important. Friends make everything better. You have a good team and your work creations are beautiful !
You guys always do a beautiful job I love
your pounds God bless you always
That looks amazing! Robert Forrest sent me the link to your video, seeing as I am in S'ern Spain! Of course, I am curious to know where in Spain this is.
gorgeous landscaping with that deck and all. 
This has really turned out to be a magnificent water feature! Kudos to all that were involved.
It is so refreshing to hear from Alan,Chris & yourself on how important it is with true friendship & you guys being so humble. Kudos! From what I can see the pond is unbelievable. I can't wait to see it with all the landscaping.
This build is BANANAS! The homeowners have to be over the moon with it!
Question – I'm on the fence with putting dye in the water for one reason and one reason only. Obviously, it looks cool, but, is it safe for wildlife and domestic pets? I ask because you know they're gonna be drinking it.
Great build

I like that palm tree that has trunks that look like a pineapple
What an extraordinary gorgeous build, all your work is absolutely amazing and when you guys team up the results are beyond phenomenal, such a paradise anyone would be thrilled to have its striking with the stones and blue gravel and all the unique detail, thought and love of the accomplishing beauty!! Thanks guys I'm alway's awe struck!
Man hurry and finish I’m so excited to see this done lol great job
What season was this again?
Spectacular job! You guys make my day!
Atlantis Water Garden
videos are television quality productions where is HGTV !!!
Wow! This is looking absolutely amazing, guys. I really can't wait to see this all landscaped it's going to totally transform this garden.
Oh so close .. it’s crazy you got back so soon to finish it up..lookin amazing..
I am so happy for you Jaak. I know you are relieved… thrilled to see a Hanson peanut butter and jelly. Lol…God bless
I cannot wait to see the finished product. I just know I'm gonna be blown away…….again !
There's kind of a two-tone effect between the rock which is reddish tinted and the gravel which seems blueish tinted makes a nice combination. More than other projects this one has me thinking the plantings are going to transform how it looks
I called it after part 3's video, at least 7 to 10 episodes.
This was 6 so we are guaranteed 7. Can't wait for the REVEAL. Good job overcoming all the adversity, challenges, and hiccups.
This thing is guna be epic. Again, can't wait for the reveal. 

Glad to see me in the video
And glad that i'v work with you guys.
Take care!
Beautiful! Lots of hard work right there