A Sara Beth, mamá de 3 hijos, siempre le ha gustado cantar karaoke con sus amigos. ¿Pero estar en American Idol es realmente su verdadero sueño? ¡No busques una respuesta en ella, porque no tiene ni idea! Vea más de American Idol 2023 en nuestro sitio oficial: Me gusta American Idol en Facebook: Siga American Idol en Twitter: Siga American Idol en Instagram: AMERICAN IDOL, la icónica serie que revolucionó el panorama televisivo al ser pionera en el género de competencia musical, regresa a ABC . American Idol 2023 Las fuerzas de la industria de la música y los jueces superestrellas Luke Bryan, Katy Perry y Lionel Richie ayudan a determinar por quién votará Estados Unidos en última instancia para convertirse en la próxima sensación del canto. El presentador y productor ganador del premio Emmy® Ryan Seacrest continúa como presentador de la querida serie, para la histórica temporada 21.
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Sara Beth es madre de tres hijos y una American Idol accidental – American Idol 2023

Protect this mamma at all costs. It makes me sad how they treated her most of the time. And let the lady sing, stop screaming at her while she's at it
she's unique and so much better then a lot of other contestants, just because she didn't tell a huge sob story and begged for opportunity they tried to put her down. I don't get it.
Sarah Beth is amazing. And the fact that she got one NO is ridiculous. I cannot even begin to understand by KP and LR felt it was necessary to be so rude and degrading to this women. Baffled and angry
Mind you kady petty sold her sole for her Golden ticket
Katy was sooo rude
Katy had personal issues with her I think….
Wish she would’ve spoke up for herself
Oh my gosh. "While you're freaking out freaky Friday." Love Katy Perry!

Katy is like a teacher in the summer time, no class. This young Mom, lady and authentic human was so gracious and didn’t take her insecure, catty comments personally which says volumes about her character. This whole exchange was full of transparency and that’s always a good thing. It brings out the truth about people. Great job all around Sara Beth!
Class beats crass every single time. ♥️
Every comment Katy made was out of pocket, so harsh and honestly baffling— especially the “table” comment… Sarah Beth performed beautifully, even the song she was holding off on due to vocal problems— and belted those notes as well, which could have resulted in damage if she wasn’t as cautious and calm as she forced herself to be given the circumstances!!? She was real and true, and her dreams should be respected and given room to breathe, even if she’s not 100% certain what they are yet!! I was so offended by Katy’s behavior… this girl tackled her insults with grace and professionalism, remaining humble to her core. A beautiful singer and bright soul, with so much going for her… wow.
I think this girl really has a lot of potential and stands out. I hope this audition didn't scare her away from pursuing music
I love her
I know this girl we went to high school together, she was actually a bully, dont let her fool you with her “kindness” she wasnt like that at all
"That's not enough." I've heard raves for people who weren't anywhere near as good as Sarah Beth. I did cringe when she couldn't answer "Is this your dream?" Judges want an immediate, enthusiastic "Yes!"
toxic music industry vibes. Do it your own way girl
I’m annoyed that they build up this idea that contestants are supposed to have this as their “biggest dream” for it to mean anything. Like someone needs to want it more than another contestant, and that somehow qualifies them more?? If this isn’t her dream she should leave because other people want it more than her? Come on. It doesn’t need to be her biggest dream. She’s got the talent. It’s a singing competition.
Katie wasn't rude she was realistic..Sara Beth has to know that if she wants to be in this competition she has to WORK FOR IT
Ugh totally insensitive comments by KP. Sara Beth’s personality is so likeable and she is relatable, one of my favorites!! Rooting for her

… and fyi what is a mothers dream??? To make sure their children are safe and have all they need and a mother puts their child’s need first KP! Unfortunately for many with how expensive life is we have to put “our dream” on hold and make sure our children have what they need and for them to have a better future so they can reach their dreams…so sad KP made comments to make her feel less, lost respect for her… let’s go Sara Beth!!!!!

Leftist celebs (most celebs are) like KP HATE the traditional family, hate kids, and especially hate moms who stay at home raising their kids. We can be praying the KP would repent of her sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation. This 25 yr old who sang, as sweet as she is, also might not believe in Christ. We can pray for her salvation too if she isn’t saved
Asa mom of 3 I understand her saying she isn't sure if this is her dream. She has 3 tiny people who's dreams are her dreams too. She has an amazing voice and a cute personality
Beautiful girl.