¿El momento más impactante en la historia de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA? Cuando Francia e Italia estaban atrapadas en un punto muerto en la prórroga de la final de 2006, Zinedine Zidane sorprendió al mundo con un cabezazo a Marco Materazzi. Suscríbete al último contenido original: Lo mejor de Zinedine Zidane | Copa Mundial de la FIFA: Copa Mundial de la FIFA | Contenido original: Alemania 2006 | Copa Mundial de la FIFA: Historias clásicas de la #CopaMundial: Obtenga su relleno de fútbol de la FIFA:
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Cabezazo de Zinedine Zidane a Marco Materazzi | Alemania 2006 | FIFA Copa del Mundo

And 18years later he won 3 ucl as a manager
Why only Zidane? Anyways, most famous moment in FIFA World Cup
Materazzi was disrespecting Zidanes Sister and used swearwords against him the whole game
Enough is enough
worth it
zidane headbutted him because marco was making fun of his family
Cantona ?
He could chose to be a winner .. but he chose to be a legend
Calling this madness IS madness. F this framing.
Since then Italy is still trying to qualify in the World cup
Italy win cuz zindane out
Thw zidane curse.They won the world cup but then they got lost at gorup stage in 2010 and 2014 then 2018 and 2022 they failed tp qualify
He made his exit memorable
I actually remeted Materrazi not Zidane as I chose to forget his disrespectful way
Shame on Zidane brought upon his own country. What foolish gentleman.
If you are Disappointed coz of this
Remember that Materazzi talked trash about Zidanes Family. That’s why he head butted him
Extremely hard for any generation to produce someone like zidane..
2023 and still fascinated with his style
"Players stop being polite and start getting Re-al. This is The Champions."
Zidane was truly pathetic in this video.
Zidane fanboys saying Materazzi will only be remembered for getting headbutt but I remember him as the Italian who crushed French dreams in 2006.
Zidane was the best Player in the World.
We can fairly call that a headshot.
But nowadays Italy not being qualified to play world cup

Bro ended his career in style
Bro chose to defend his family over a World Cup. What a legend
What a legendary way to end your career! We love Zizou.
What if instead he headbutted materazzi after they won the wc (cause zidane scored a goal but it was a red card) ??
the voice sounds like a 1969 NASA footage
And in the same year Ibrahimovic revenge kicked him
This was the first World Cup I saw with my dad as a kid. Seeing that panenka and the headbutt made me love this game. They don’t make them like they used to.
지단의 박치기..그리고 퇴장..지단의 모든 행동이 좋았다 .. 축구경기에서 축구로 승부해야지 비겁하게 인신공격 ..그걸 쿨 하게 박치기로 응징한 지단도 멋있고 퇴장도 당당히 변명 안하고 나가는 사나이 대장부..반대로 그렇게 인신공격 해서 퇴장유도해서 우승하면 기분좋냐?이탈리아 의 월드컵 모든 우승이 처참하게 떨어지는 순간이 됐다 ..전부 저렇게 우승했지? 이번이 큰 이슈가 된거는 지단이 너무 유명인이라 그렇게 된거고 ..과거에는 다 저렇게 상대방 인신공격 이 통했겠지 ? 문제는 전세계 축구인들이 지단의 축구를 좋아한다는거다 ..
Le sang Algérien qui a repris le dessus

Zidane is really the G.O.A.T

Expose the bully next time. Shame him not hit him
He destroyed Italy after the headbutt
Zinedine Zidane is bald

Zidane: ….
Imagine if he headbutted the ref as well
It was Italy they cheated the 2006 world cup let me explain the Italian guy was calling him bad words to the French guy
best career end ever
lol, Zidane doesnt need dumb FIFA Trophies to be remembered
This is legendary
Zidane used headbutt.
It's super effective
Materazzi fainted
Zidane got red card
It will be so inexplicable if Zidane and materrazi meet now .
But I will remember him forever for his role as Imhotep in the Mummy movie