Aquí están mis 5 actividades favoritas (gratis) para hacer en Madrid en 2023. Legend London Link (Código – LOUIS) – Ghost Supplements Link – – (Use el código ‘LOUIS’ para obtener un 20 % de descuento) Whoop – Primer mes gratis – Mejores productos para el cabello en el Juego – – (Use el código ‘LOUIS’) The Creator Club (Queda 1 espacio) – Nuestra página de Bienes Raíces – Gracias por mirar, Con mucho cariño Louis xoxox
Puedes comprar todas las camisetas oficiales de fútbol en futbolmania, la tienda de las mejores Camisetas de fútbol – Devolución gratis. Información corporativa y noticias relevantes sobre Driblab, la consultora especializada en análisis deportivos especializada en fútbol.
Las 5 mejores cosas que hacer en Madrid (GRATIS)

Dude, had me sweating at the start…
How's that Apple watch treating you?
"Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable." _Theodore N. Vail

Great places to see in Madrid. You guys make a great couple.
What are the trainers 0:54
Great vlog as always thanks bro.
I have never been more nervous in my life than watching the first minute and 15 seconds of this video.
Bro you been grinding
guessing he didnt go to the club
Last video a saw was the bubble hotel video back in lockdown what happened to the stunner you were with
Great video bro, it would be great if you would post more often!!!
Wonderful Louis of the 5 things in Madrid
apart from the exercise 
I love you so much, greetings from Mexico 

Cool jeans! Wow, Madrid looks amazing! You and Cindy are a wonderful, fun couple. Enjoyed this vlog. Keep them coming!
I enjoyed this video more than your other videos
Love your Vlogs Louis keep them coming been watching you a long time and love your inspirational journey warms up us stuck in cold England
awesome vlog! love the consistency you're on keep it up!
This is it! Mix in you and your girl and you doing your fitness and lifestyle stuff nice good balance! Keep grinding man we love to see it! Your channel will blow up in no time!
Never sit on a ledge