Asesino sonríe después de que su padre lo ataca por matar a su hija

El padre de una mujer asesinada por un delincuente sexual convicto se arrojó sobre la mesa de un tribunal para atacarlo el jueves poco después de que un juez sentenciara a muerte al acusado por matar a tres personas y envolver sus cuerpos en bolsas de basura. Van Terry, el padre de Shirellda Terry, caminó hacia el frente de la sala del tribunal para dar una declaración sobre el impacto en la víctima y se volvió hacia Michael Madison, quien le dedicó una sonrisa maliciosa. Terry se abalanzó sobre Madison e inmediatamente fue rodeado por los agentes del alguacil mientras Madison y sus abogados se apresuraban a apartarse.

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32 opiniones en “Asesino sonríe después de que su padre lo ataca por matar a su hija”

  1. We are all wishing harm to the killer, but if he repent even locked up, that dude still going to heaven while our asses will locked up in fire for wishing him harm.

  2. I don't like the law in America ,i have been watching many crime stories of America and i found in many cases police never do right investigation or even the law is working and still there are many murder cases which is not resolved till today

  3. As a father….I'd do the same thing…. losing my child is the one thing I'd never get over….so if I didn't get chance to do a job on them like her dad tried….I'd definitely keep track of their release date and they would get everything they deserve.

  4. Do the research of their criminals family and spit out a few names of people he loves and he cant protect while locked up in jail. Let that worry stew with them.

  5. Why shouldn't he get what he deserves? Why? He took away a life from her and him and his wife and hurt all of the family. Pissed off everyone on YOUTUBE who never knew her or any of her family. Scum like him only drains society, brings nothing good. Not even a little. Even laughs at the man who lost everything. Literally.

  6. Ok, totally unrelated to this… But why the hell does a video like this get recommended to me ESPECIALLY AT A TIME WHERE I WAS LOOKING AT AND FOR FUNNY VIDEOS?

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