EPISODIO 540 – Cómo hacer huevos y patatas del pobre español | Receta Huevos a lo Pobre con Patatas RECETA COMPLETA AQUÍ: APOYAME EN PATREON: CONSIGUE TU CAMISETA DE ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR AQUÍ: CONSIGUE TODO MI EQUIPO E INGREDIENTES DE MI TIENDA AFILIADA DE AMAZON: ———– ————————————————– —- ***Nuevos videos todos los lunes y viernes: recuerda suscribirte y hacer clic en el icono de campana para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos*** —————— ———————————————– Equipos e ingredientes Uso – Enlaces de afiliados de Amazon: MICRÓFONO USO: CÁMARA USO: MIS SARTÉN SWISS DIAMOND: MIS CUCHILLOS SWISS DIAMOND: MI PAELLA DE ACERO AL CARBONO: MI PAELLA ESMALTADA: ARROZ REDONDO ESPAÑOL USO: TABLA DE CORTAR DE MADERA: MI PROCESADOR DE ALIMENTOS: MORTAR & PESTLE: Spain on a Fork es miembro del Programa de Afiliados de Amazon. Si compras a través de estos enlaces, pagas el mismo precio y Spain on a Fork recibe una pequeña comisión, que ayuda con todos los gastos para mantener Spain on a Fork en marcha. Gracias por tu apoyo
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Huevos y Patatas del Pobre Español | Uno de los platos más clásicos de España

i made it for dinner and the family loved it thank you soo much
I am a horrible cook and made this today…and wow. Delicious. Thank you for the recipe. This will be a go to for me from now on. Gracias!
7 years but only potatis and egg with salt
Please, use as little water as possible. Wash the potatoes in a bowl, not under running water.
Nice, thanks!
Spanish dishes are so economical and prove you don't have to spend a fortune on expensive ingredients, I just love them and in these times with rising prices are good for the pocket.
I didn't realize that this was considered a Spanish dish. We make almost the exact same thing, except I always start with leftover cooked potatoes. We call it hash and you add in any extra veggies you have on hand. Yours looks a little fancier then ours
I love the way he cooks and give the instructions his voice very clear and to the point, thank you for great and easy recipes thst even I can make.
U should do a cook book on these recipes they are great.

you could call this a frittata?
It's rich man's eggs&potatoes where i live. I can't believe i'm saying this but both eggs and potatoes are so expensive, i can't afford to make this poor man's dish. We are so doomed!
Very nice recipe

Looks very good!! We make a similar dish. Green pepper is a new addition

Love your cooking class! You encourage me to cook more.
Wow! Simple yet elegant!
You are definitely my favourite Spanish cook. You’re dishes are always simple and tasty. Thank you.
It is nice to see this
with happiness, good luck, wisdom and good health
. My best wishes are always with you. Keep growing and stay blessed.
. Hardwork always create blissful results……
May God bless
My aunt made us a tortilla when we went to see her in Galicia,
pobrecita. she didnt do a very good job and it fell apart, thus,,,,,,, huevos pobres,, jajajajaja
This is once again a very good
Gosto muito
Very tasty dish, which we just had for lunch – hard to believe such basic ingredients can taste as good as this.
There is no way i can rub and wash a potato this much!

I don't eat eggs so is there a substitute, just leave them out!!
Just made these but added smoked paprika, garlic powder and had no peppers and topped with violife cheese wooooowwww amazing thank you chef
Your recipes are amazing…subscribed and liked. What does "asta ba gole" translate to in english…forgive my ignorance, I need to learn more spanish!
Tastes good
Love from Kerala, India
Thank you nice spanish guy !
I like your energy and positive vibes!! Thanks for the great recipes
I've made this for many years, learning it from my Italian great uncle
I disagree with such derogatory terms like 'poor man's food'. Anything that nourishes the body is food & a simple dry loaf of bread is sometimes the best food that I have enjoyed in life.
Having worked as a saute cook for several good restaurants, we do not say "fry"….it is sauteed…
We make this one in Azerbaijan too. One of my favorite
Made this with red bell pepper, potatoes from the garden and asparagus. Wow! Delish! You are batting 1000 with my family!
Spanish Poor Man´s Eggs & Potatoes with added truffles from Périgord France … with French Champagne from Epernay and some strawberries flown in from Santa Maria California … Ole !
Amazing!!! can’t wait to try this simple and delicious recipe. By the way I’m a big fan of your recipes. So simple, healthy and delicious

I have noticed that you can make most of your recipes with just a few items… potatoes, onions, garlic, bell peppers, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and paprika.
So many amazing dishes with just a few different combinations of base ingredients.
Another top job recipe were going cook this for our breakfast right now big up yourself Albert, Blessings staysafe,love you're easy to follow on screen Persona recipes. From S&T in Essex
I’m loving your simple recipes! Thank You So Much!!

so nice n healthy
Mmm that looks delicious. I am going to prepare it. Question how do you eat it with?
ill try this for my boss,new subscriber,from.the Philippines..
First timer to Spain on a Fork. Beautifully presented and delicious. Thank you kind sir. Subscribed
I would've grated some manchego on top…because, why not?
Potatoes are such amazing and versatile vegetables. Greatest contribution by Peru to the world. Is there any culture that hasn't incorporated potatoes into their cuisine?
En Hungria hacemos lo mismo.
Hair on potato 1:34
Where's the spice?
Looks good, but I like my eggs a little more cooked – going to try it.
The best choice of white washed potato. Never peel them,some people spoilt it. I love to mash it with cream cheese,garlic and olive oil. This cuisine is done perfecto and simply yummy. Well narrated too. Mucho Gracias