EPISODIO 769 – Cómo hacer papas manchegas crujientes | Receta de Patatas al Horno con Manchego RECETA COMPLETA AQUÍ: VISITE TIENDA.COM ¡Use el código de cupón ONAFORK para obtener un 10% de descuento en su pedido! QUESO MANCHEGO USÉ: TU APOYO AYUDA A ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR SIGUE ADELANTE: APOYAME EN PATREON: CONSIGUE TU ESPAÑA EN UN TENEDOR CAMISETA AQUÍ: CONSIGUE TODOS MIS EQUIPOS E INGREDIENTES EN MI TIENDA AFILIADA DE AMAZON: ——- ————————————————– ——– ***Nuevos videos todos los lunes y viernes – Recuerda suscribirte y hacer clic en el icono de campana para recibir notificaciones de nuevos videos*** ————– ————————————————– – Equipos e ingredientes que uso – Enlaces de afiliados de Amazon: MI SARTÉN ANTIADHERENTE: OLLAS Y SARTENES USO: MICRÓFONO USO: CÁMARA USO: PIMENTÓN DULCE AHUMADO ESPAÑOL: MI PAELLA DE ACERO AL CARBONO: MI PAELLA ESMALTADA: ARROZ REDONDO ESPAÑOL I USO: CALDO DE PESCADO ESPAÑOL: TABLA DE CORTAR DE MADERA: MI PROCESADOR DE ALIMENTOS: MORTERO Y MAJA: Spain on a Fork es miembro del Programa de Afiliados de Amazon. Si compras a través de estos enlaces, pagas el mismo precio y Spain on a Fork recibe una pequeña comisión, que ayuda con todos los gastos para mantener Spain on a Fork en marcha. Gracias por tu apoyo
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Cómo hacer las MEJORES papas con queso | Patatas Manchegas Crujientes

Looks so good. Will have to try this recipe.
WOW! Never had to "scrub" russets with steel wool…just a dish brush and set on a towel.
How is every dish you make always “the most extraordinary dish ever” or every ingredient you use “one of my favorite ingredients”? How about you chill on your initial intro description, try less hype and be more realistic.
Love it! Easy, fast and inexpensive.
We've just made it! So tasty, manchego adds this extra special depth. Going into regular rotation. Thank you!!
My 3 favorite food groups, all in one dish!!!!!!
Good afternoon, this looks awefully tasty!! My goodness this would be so appreciated at the table or anywhere for finger food. Thank you for sharing and showing. Kind regards. Yummm
With potatoes you always hit my weak spot…. (am German, what you expect?
) Sound so great, gonna make it soon…..
looks so good

Looks wonderful!
What’s not to like? garlic, spuds and cheese, looks so lovely, I will cook this next week as a side. Thanks Albert, take care
Yummy! I have all the ingredients too! Definitely trying!
I want to be in potato heaven too! This looks mouthwatering good!

Going to try this soon
yours look great! Easy to follow step by step, keep sharing please! I’m subscribed 

Omg yummy
These look yummy and I just bought myself a piece of manchego cheese…..!! Gracias!
Albert… Great recipe, thank you, I have a question? Could/would you do some recipes in an Air Fryer? We are all very conscious of uor power usage at the moment can you advice?
Can we put all the raw potatoes slices in a bowl and pour garlic oil, salt, pepper in the bowl and mix? It is quicker than go slice by slice. Thanks.
Thanks Albert another great recipe I will offer cooking tomorrow
Simply delicious ..Many thanks

Lovely recipe
thanks for sharing
love it
Wow on that crunch. Even without the cheese, that looks like a good way to cook potatoes.
Una preparación de patatas con el queso manchego exquisita debe de estar buenísimo
Potato Nachos!
lol Finally something that's not "Creamy". Looks good! Thanks!
Side dish? All I’d need is a fork… and maybe a glass of chilled white!
This is definitely going into the tapas night rotation
Potato!! The cornerstone of western society.
Mmm that looks so good. Thanks!
It looks like a recipe passed down from the Gods! Will try very soon. Thank you.
What does Manchego go for in you town?
Had something like this at a Spanish restaurant in Glasgow, Scotland at the weekend. Theirs were nice but yours look even better. Definitely going to try these x
Potato lovers around the world unite? Definitely! It's past midnight here Downunder and you've made me really hungry for those delicious potatoes.

Albert: Delicious… and with russet potatoes this time, too! Oh, and that garlic
goodness! A WILL-try…
that oven thing again — but I'm getting better with it. Thanks again. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~
This looks delicious.
That’s a really neat technique, roasting on a parchment covered oven rack. This dish is Potato Heaven! Gotta grab some russets!
Those look fantastic. Quick question: are you pescatarian? Just curious.
I'm surprised you didn't use the same magic cutting technique on the potatoes that you did on the garlic!
This looks like a party pleaser. I'll have to make it for my friends soon!
Albert, do you ever use an air fryer?
Sieht lecker aus und ich werde es ausprobieren.
Danke für dieses Rezept.