: Canción – ————————————– ————————————————– ————— Agradecimiento especial a: Anass Teaser: 1900FCBFreak7: *No se pretende infringir los derechos de autor. será eliminado si así lo solicita el propietario de los derechos de autor. ————————————————– ————————————————– — —- ¡DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD! —- Descargo de responsabilidad de derechos de autor Según la Sección 107 de la Ley de derechos de autor de 1976, se permite el «uso justo» para fines tales como críticas, comentarios, informes de noticias, enseñanza, becas e investigación. El uso justo es un uso permitido por el estatuto de derechos de autor que de otro modo podría estar infringiendo. El uso sin fines de lucro, educativo o personal inclina la balanza a favor del uso justo.
ENVÍO y DEVOLUCIÓN GRATIS – Gran colección de Camisetas de fútbol oficiales – Descubre camisetas de equipos y selecciones europeas en camisetasfutboleses.com. Noticias generales de Fútbol, comentarios, resultados, estadísticas, posiciones, audios y videos
Cristiano Ronaldo 1 en un millón de momentos desgarradores

He is my favorite amongst all the athelete, I love Sachin Tendulkar too but i respect Cristiano more!
WTF the thumbnail
He’s not only great football player he’s a very good human being as well.
God bless him and his family
Best Goal Ronaldo.
I love christiano Ronaldo so much
There is only one ronaldo!!..this is penaldo
Ronaldo respect
super god bless
the video is meaningful but the thumbnail is fake and dirty
J'ai pleuré de joie l'homme au grand coeur pas deux comme toi
I love Ronaldo a lot his so humble
Can anybody tell the name of this video back ground song my dears
cr7 your kindness is always respect and we love you i respect win all your trophies
Missing the way he wear Madrid shirt
Brother your thumbnail and your video don’t make no fuckign sense together

They never give out the used Jersey, it’s always a different one.but overall it’s a nice gesture.
Obligatory 'siuuu' comment.
lmao dat clickbait tho. ain't lie
Um Atleta De Alma

I equally like both CR7 and MESSI but am more into CR7…. I take him ( Ronaldo) being my best footballer of his era. Taking him as more better am among his fans..

I feel the same way, I don't like this game, but he is sOOOOO KIND! It makes me want to see him!
This makes me cry
he is such a good genuine person it’s ppl like him that give me hope for humanity and a better future for us all
My legend
came to put down comment on thumbnail but this video got my like instead….
Ronaldo is good man, so humble

love for Indonesian 
My dream to meet cristiano ronaldo 7
He will give you t shirt but your mother need doctor