Mientras dure la guerra ( español : Mientras dure la guerra ) es una película de drama histórico español de 2019 dirigida por Alejandro Amenábar . Se estrenó en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto de 2019. La Marcha Real es el himno nacional de España. Es uno de los cuatro himnos nacionales del mundo que no tiene letra oficial.
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Mientras que en la guerra – El "marcha real" Himno Nacional de España (1936-1975)

Llevo la sangre española por mis bisabuelos cada ves que escucho el himno de España monarquía me siento como si yo fuera español
The spanish anthem Is One of the most beautiful anthem in the world, much love from Italy. ♥️??
The world could have had a purple flag but no!
Han Passado!!! Viva Cristo Rey !!!
The Soviets and the USA viewed nationalist Spain as evil but Cuba didn’t they went through the same struggle of American money funding bastards with guns,that’s why Castro and Franco were Allies.
Fuck Communism.
Kultowa scena! Tak się zmienia ustrój!
Grande Franco, un nacionalista que amaba a su patria. Forjador de la España moderna ??
Movie name plz
The Second Republic was a period during which the living standards were greatly improved, the arts flourished (it is called the silver age of Spanish culture) and great emphasis was placed on education at all levels, from school to university. Exactly the opposite of what happened later. A minority of people feel offended by this, since they miss those times under Franco when women could not open a bank account without permission from their husband, education belonged to a minority, strikes and demonstrations were illegal, gays were imprisoned, and political prisoners were executed or sent to labour camps.
Disculpen mi total ignorancia sobre el tema, pero este es el actual himno de España¿? Nunca me quedó muy claro. Cuál realmente es el himno de este país
¡Viva España!
¡Viva la República!
Si el himno de la Unión Soviética te vuelve comunista…
El himno de España te vuelve hispanista y quieres volver a Unir a la Hispanidad
Qual é o nome do filme?
I love the first singing soldier looks exactly like Cristiano Ronaldo
José Millán-Astray, bad-ass
Alguien sabe en que sitio de streaming puedo ver esta pelicula?
ironic that they mention the republican flag.
I know Castilian spanish is not well liked but whether you like it or don't like there's nothing you can do about the fact that this is pure spanish, authentic spanish.
Spain's national anthem is one of my favourite anthems.
The glory of Spain, born under the banner of the Cross of Burgundy, made Spain the first global empire in the world history.
The Burgundy Cross flag was so feared and respected by the Dutch, French, English, and Ottomans.
With that flag Spain conquered the world and the seas.
0:42 They must have placed the flag of the Cross of Burgundy, the authentic Spanish flag, symbol and identity of Spanish power. It was the flag that inspired fear in the French, the English, the Dutch, the Ottomans, when Spain was the greatest power in the world and the absolute owner of the seas.
It was the flag that flew on the Spanish galleons on the high seas, the ships of the royal navy, fled when they saw that flag waving from the top of the masts.
Como se llama la película.
Españoletes Tio
nada que ver con los españoles actuales que dan pena y asco ??
Belo filme.