1. En cuatro dias iguales: ha puesto en ella, encima, montanas firmes, la ha bendecido y ha determinado sus alimentos, Para los que inquieren….
    Holy Quran, chapter 41; Fussilat (Expounded) verse 10.

  2. The music is spanish and not appropriate. The Pyrenees are Catalan Navareese, Asturian – all ancient independent kingdoms.Basque nationalists are liars and communist scum. There has only ever been one country that was Basque that is the kingdom of NAVARRE

  3. Sorry but Montserrat is not in the Pyrenees, is located between Barcelona and Manresa here in Catalonia.
    And is ridiculous the Southern Spanish topic music in a video about Catalonia and France.

  4. Beautiful link of the Pyrenees Mountains .. great photos… inspired my self to go visit this year July 2019 .. great place to visit.., Thankx shame on the 4 dislike … ?I bet they never been there ?

  5. كانت هذه الجبال بوابة دخول فرنسا الخاصة بالقائد المسلم العربي الذي جعل عاليكم سافلكم الحاجب المنصور رحمه الله وكنتم ستدفعون الجزية مثل باقي إخوانكم في القسطنطينية والأندلس

    أتمنى أن تترجموا كلامي وتجعلوه حلقا في أذانكم

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