Finally got my Copa America champions patch from Soccer Wearhouse so that I can complete the look for my Argentina jersey! Similar to my applying patches video, I will now apply these patches to my authentic Argentina jersey using a home iron! Let’s hope I don’t mess this one up!
The patches in this video were purchased from
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Vamos argentina carajo ?????
Great video, first time doing it and it came out great. Thanks for the guide
i need this jersy ?
I like it how look the Argentina Jersey with that patches Thank you ??
Hey! Love this video. About to iron on the World Club Cup patch for Chelsea (got it from soccer warehouse, too), what measurement did you use when placing the premier league patch on the sleeve in your last vid? When you measured up the sleeve with a ruler. Came to this vid because of the cup patch but have the sleeve one too.
Hello, I've seen some videos recommending putting a cardboard inside the shirt and putting a sheet of normal A4 paper and not baking sheet. Have you already tried this method?
I bought some patches to customize my shirts as well, but I'm a little scared of doing it, I'm thinking about the best method to use.
Where did you get the patches
Hey bro new subscriber, love your channel. Would you be willing to tell me where I could get this particular jersey and the patches? The jersey is too clean and it makes me want to start collecting
I have a 2014/15 manchester city shirt which necks legends is peeling off but I'm scared to iron it, idk it's like "what if I mess it up"
Very nice vid