I went into a fake Market in Kolkata right next to numerous football grounds in search of a Real Madrid fake jersey. In this video I will show you how to get best deal when buying a fake football jersey.

Comprar Camisetas de fútbol para adultos y niños desde 15 € y camisetas oficiales de equipos de fútbol. Clica y Recoge GRATUITO en tienda. Todas las ultimas noticias sobre el Real Madrid de fútbol, crónicas de los partidos e información sobre los jugadores y el entrenador.

24 opiniones en “FAKE football jersey INDIA'S BIGGEST SPORTS MARKET $6 00”

  1. shame on you !people here in India can get it in a cheap price(6$ )even though its not an original product which gives them the absolute satisfaction.Not everyone can afford Original products .Wherever u belong just go the fucking back there.Dont fucking made the fun out of people who sells a product in an affordable price for views

  2. This is the biggest scam I’ve ever seen how in earth is a Real Madrid jersey $1200 like bro I got a better jersey for 30 or $20 what this is the biggest scam like I’d rather go to Paris or Portugal to get a real jersey please don’t go here

  3. Honestly I would buy the real jersey because the quality is great and I could find the real ones in US for $15 or $20 especially black friday sales. Wont be the newest popular jersey but the quality would be original.

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