Spain News Live – The 'economic storm' to come

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19 opiniones en “Spain News Live – The 'economic storm' to come”

  1. Fast food restaurants are popular because that's what the children pester their parents for. When I've been to a McDonalds in the UK most of the restuarant is full of families with young kids. The parents end up eating the same food.

  2. Being a huge tourist destination, Spain undoubtedly gained from the post Covid boom in tourism. But don't expect that to last beyond 2022. Energy inflation is destroying people's finances in northern Europe. My own relatives told me they are not buying presents for adults this Christmas, only the kids, and they are well to do middle class. For poorer people this Winter could be a genuine struggle to stay warm and fed.

  3. Here in Denver and my recent trip to Iowa I have seen lots of Help Wanted. Do they post Help Wanted signs in Spain? If so do you see a lot of places hiring? I am not seeing lots of business closing here in Metro Denver. Colorado. I love veggies too so I was disappointed to hear they do not serve lots of veggies at restaurants in Spain. Eating a koala bear or a kangaroo sounds awful and sad.

  4. Universal income is the next….even craftmen's work will be replaced by robots, wall painting, bricklayers and carpenters. Pension as we know it, its being ruined in these years, all savings are being robbed, as stocks markets crash and lowering pension savings with 7000 euro a month in denmark right now. Its the same all over after the debt robbery during the plandemic.

  5. Fast Food isn't a problem here in cuenca probably due to the levels of the population which is about 50,000 most people use the local bars and restaurants… Tony cuenca

  6. Not everyone can be a Spark, plumber etc etc because its a skilled profession unlike politicians.. . Also years ago young people would become an apprentice after leaving school if they wanted to go into those professions in the 60s and 70s thats from my experience living in the UK… Tony cuenca

  7. I’ve eaten kangaroo burgers at a market once I’m sure I’ll be hopping mad 😅 anyway it’s delicious with cheese and tomato sauce absolutely delicious yum yum

  8. Nothing has changed much here, the local shops and cafes are open and well patronised, the only time we see the police or guardia civil is when they visit the cafe in our town square, there is inflation yes but everyone seems to be coping, I am aware that there are food banks and donate weekly, the sense of family and community was reaffirmed by our 8 week lockdown for covid, but the smiles and hellos soon came back, small town though and social mix is all . Happy to be amongst my friendly neighbours who have accepted me into small town life.

  9. I was really confused because you were saying “highest unemployment figures” but they were actually the highest employment figures since 2008! Not unemployment. Can’t blame you, I’m sure it’s force of habit to use the word “unemployment” in connection with labor news here. But this is cause for celebration! 🎉

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