Megyn Kelly se une a Dave Smith, presentador del podcast «Part of the Problem», para hablar sobre la interacción de Hilaria Baldwin con los paparazzi, cómo finge ser española a pesar de ser de Boston, la psicología de fingir un acento y más. DALE ME GUSTA Y SUSCRÍBETE para ver videos nuevos todos los días: mira videos completos de The Megyn Kelly Show aquí: Suscríbete a American News Minute: mi conversación semanal por correo electrónico contigo: encuentra el programa de audio completo dondequiera que obtengas tus podcasts: Apple — Spotify — Follow The Megyn Kelly Show en todas las plataformas sociales: Twitter — Instagram — Facebook — Conéctate conmigo en las redes sociales: Twitter — Instagram — Facebook — #MegynKellyShow #MegynKelly #Noticias #Política
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El falso acento español de Hilaria Baldwin regresa mientras Alec Baldwin es acusado, con Dave Smith

There is a few people like this especially in Australia where you can gain advantage from masquerades, Aussies will know what I mean. Anyway your Rachel Dolezal and Elizabeth Warren are notable fails, even old Madonna ditched her accent and adopted an English one when she moved to the UK.
Does it really matter anymore? Jeez…move on with your life. She is one…she wants to be one…who cares?
I fart in your general direction … Hillarius is from Spain … or my name isn't Eduardo Corrochio!
The people sticking up for Hillary are, how you say in English, cucumber?
Meagan, If Alex doesn't care, why the fuck do you?
How many languages and vultures do you carry, do youbalance, do you mingle?
Have you ever been a legal interpreter?
How many countries have you lived in?
As a resident?
How many people know that you can function in NY, go shopping all over Queens, eat out, and speak Spanish for each encounter?
How many lived in Providence, Rhode Island?
The Portuguese community there is very strong, very similar to the Hispanic presence in Corona, Queens.
Many people are born everyday.
They are within communities where it's a meld.
Canadians born in Central America Hated to speak English.
Girl Born in NY
Over thirty now.
Her English is limited.
Her community is Hispany.
She's half Italian,and speaks none.
The globe is a melting pot.
Get over the fixation to criticize this woman.
Megyn Kelly is making a name for herself by shredding other women.
THIS IS THE ISSUE! Lying and carrying on is pathological and pathetic. Geez, when is this shit going to STOP?
Asi que no era Hilaria sino Hillary
Oh my god she is so cringy. Poor Alec how humiliating for him.
So I'm reading comments. Apparently, she does speak Spanish fluently, which some non Hispanic Americans can do if brought up in a Spanish country or around Hispanic culture etc. But what is her real ethnicity according to DNA? I'm reading that her ancestry has no Spaniard in it. I don't get how people can fake things that can easily be outed by revealing their true past. How embarrassing. And kinda loco. What a strange couple.
rumor has it that long ago, Hillary heard that Alec loved Salma Hayek and decided to be a Spanish woman to attract him
He was the producer and financier of the movie he was staring in the film, and he held the gun and pulled the trigger.
She's nuts
my wife used to be friends with her. the accent is totally fake. she's a complete narcissist.
So what is her excuse for faking an accent? That is strange! Did she pull that with Alec? If so how embarrassing for him to find out that way! Funny how she needed to know how to say cucumber! lol
How you say in English…..crrrrazy?
Spanish is not a race. Spaniards are European and they are white.
I heard that they met in Spain as she was working as a yoga teacher in Baleares Islands;
Wait she was born and raised in the US? I never once doubted she was from Spain based on how she spoke…that’s just pure crazy.
Hilaria is hilarius
Even if she was Spanish, after so many years of living in US the accent then to be lesser and lesser. As Mexican with Spanish accent I do not speak like that, no way!
Hilarious….appropriate name.
Can you say nucking futs?
Megyn cool it with the plastic surgery omg hahah
Could be she has accent mimic issues remember Madonna had "British " accent"?
Such a negative post.
SLOAN talked about Hilaria before. What she’s done and is doing is hilaria-ous! LOL