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Review: 2015/16 Authentic Barcelona Away Jersey [4K]

What an awesome shirt ? I used to have the replica, and thought it was pretty dope but this player version one is just an absolute gem 10/10. I myself always thought the Qatar logo was more purple-ish and used that in my description for when I sold the shirt – which I did. Sold it 'cos I was having a clear out. In hindsight, Turan was a horrible name to choose for on the back, no offense ? especially as you could've gone for so many greats: Messi, Neymar Jr, Suarez, Iniesta, Rakitic
real Madrid are the best
Should i get cruyff on the back of my jersey
are you going to make for videos cause i want to more of your cool reviews plus i subscribe bro?
Where do you buy your jerseys with the names printed on it.
I believe the Qatar official logo is a maroon-like color, maybe that played into it. great video man
I am personally thinking of getting the Turan jersey, earlier in the season I got my Home iniesta jersey
Hey is the champions badge on the kits of barcelona for sale yet?
Nice vid