10. Brian Laudrup
9. Flemming Povlsen
8. Daniel Agger
7. Martin Jørgensen
6. Jon Dahl Tomasson
5. Morten Olsen
4. Preben Elkjær
3. Peter Schmeichel
2. Michael Laudrup
1. Alan Simonsen
Danish top 10 footballplayers

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10. Brian Laudrup
9. Flemming Povlsen
8. Daniel Agger
7. Martin Jørgensen
6. Jon Dahl Tomasson
5. Morten Olsen
4. Preben Elkjær
3. Peter Schmeichel
2. Michael Laudrup
1. Alan Simonsen
Comentarios cerrados.
New list:
1. Michael Laudrup
2. Peter Schmeichel
3. Alan Simonsen
4. Brian Laudrup
5. Jon Dahl Tomasson
6. Preben Elkjær
7. Christian Eriksen
8. Morten Olsen
9. Simon Kjær
10. Daniel Agger
Probably more or less the right players (Christian Eriksen og Frank Arnesen/Søren Lerby might substitute for Povlsen or Jørgensen), but the ranking is a little odd. Brian Laudrup is definitely in the top 5, and no one besides Michael Laudrup can be no.1.
Brian ranked 10th !?
What a joke !
#1 Lord Bendtner
where is Søren Lerby
You can defend this list. And Allan Simonsen won the.title as best player in Europe. Still most people would have him as 2 or 3. Michael Laudrup is in a league of his own and like Guardiola said "Balon dOr has no legitimacy because Laudrup never won it".
Personally I have Laudrup as 1, and then after him Simonsen and Elkjaer split second spot.
Lerby was so good at his peak that Matheus left Bayern Münich because Lerby took his space…. And this was while Matheus was the star of the German national team. Still, maybe he is only 11 or 12.
Michael should not be no1 he wasn't that good for national team in the 90s
En esa lista faltó Jensen
Mærkelig liste.
Brian Laudrup er helt sikkert ikke nr. 10. Og Michael Laudrup er helt sikkert nr. 1.
Seriously? Brian Laudrup is no.10 and Daniel Agger is no.8?
What the heck?
utroligt svært at lave en top 10. men ikke at lave en top 4
1 M Laudrup
2 Allan Simonsen
3 Preben Elkjær
4 B Laudrup
top 4 Målmænd
1 P Schmeichel
2 Birger Jensen
3 Lars Høgh
4 Ole Quist
Frank arnesen, sirena lerby ? Now Christian Eriksen n.2
Lord Bendtner nr 1
Martin Jorgensen??..dette er useriøst
Thomas gravesen?
Ulrik Le Fevre var en af Europas bedste i hans tid, havde en fremragene karriere med mange trofær
Allan Simonsen kunne ikke engang vældte ham a pinden som Danmarks bedste.
Har snakket med dem der fulgte ham og de siger han var bedre end Allan Simonsen
Although I'm not Danish, I consider myself a very good connoisseur of Danish football. I became a Rolygan during Euro 84. Povlsen was one of my favorite players, but realistically never came close to the top of world football. Agger was a great talent in his position, however he also never associated his talent with any constant. Tomasson was good on the national team but not good on the club level. He was not one of the top strikers in the world. Martin Jorgensen had a constant but still on the level below. BEST DANISH PLAYERS EVER: 1. Michael Laudrup, 2.Peter Schmeichel, 3.Carl Aage Praest, 4.Allan Simonsen, 5.Preben Elkjaer, 6.Morten Olsen, 7.Nils Middelboe, 8.Karl Aage Hansen, 9.John Angelo Hansen, 10.Soren Lerby, 11.Pauli Jorgensen, 12.Poul Tist Nielsen, 13.Brian Laudrup, 14.Henning Jensen, 15.Helge Bronee, 16.Harald Nielsen, 17.Frank Arnesen, 18.Christian Eriksen, 19.Jesper Olsen, 20.Jan Molby, 21.Jorgen Leschly Sorensen, 22.Fritz Tarp, 23.Axel Pilmark, 24.Carl Skomar Hansen, 25.Sophus Krolben Nielsen. With Michael Laudrup and Helge Bronee, Walther Christensen was Denmark's greatest talent. However, because of the awkward times in he played and because of his own problems, he never built his talent the way he should.
Endelig en liste hvor Allan Simonsen bliver anerkendt , klart Danmarks bedste igennem tiderne … man husker ham nok desværre for han faldt let og piv , lidt ærgeligt .. en 75% Messi Maradona type
Hey KNOBHEAD….WTF..is s.lerby, j.molby ,j.olsen and mr arnesen……wat u smoking today man….
1. Michael Laudrup
2. Allan Simonsen
3. Peter Schmeichel
4. Brian Laudrup
5. Preben Elkjær
6. Frank Arnesen
7. Martin Jørgensen
8. Christian Eriksen
9. Morten Olsen
10. Flemming Povlsen / Jon Dahl Tomasson / Claus Jensen / Jan Mølby / Jesper Grønkjær / Jesper Olsen / Daniel Agger / Søren Lerby / Ebbe Sand / Dennis Rommedahl / Jan Heintze / Niclas Jensen
Michael Laudrup el número uno sin lugar a dudas y uno de los cinco mejores jugadores que he visto
1 M Laudrup 2 P Elkjær 3 P Schmeichel 4 A Simonsen 5 B Laudrup 6 S Lerby 7 F Arnesen 8 J Dahl 9 M Olsen 10 E Sand
Jon Dal Thomaason som nr 6….foran navne som Brian Laudrup, Flemming Povlsen og selv Ebbe Sand der ikke engang er på listen?? Stop nu og vær lidt seriøs. VI har aldrig haft en angriber på landsholdet der har lavet flere afbrændere end ham!
Not many who mentions the big midfield work horse from the 80`s, Jens Jørn Bertelsen
Preben Elkjær number one!
My name is danis xD
So many great player from Denmark honestly, difficult to make just ten lol… In 1998, great team, still great player, not too famous like Allen Nielsen, Tofting, wieghorst, Rieper, sorry I may spell wrongly, but really amazing and entertaining, smart football from Denmark!
How about Dennis Rommedahl, Jesper Gronkjaer, Lovenkrands, Ebbe Sand, Thomas Helveg, and C.Eriksen?
Totally agree…Simonsen?
Michael Laudrup should not be on this list, it is not possible to make football that easy, he must be cheating !
1. Michael Laudrup
2. Peter Schmeichel
3. Allan Simonsen
4. Preben Elkjær
5. Morten Olsen
6. Søren Lerby
7. Frank Arnesen
8. Brian Laudrup
9. Christian Eriksen
10. Jan Mølby
Not agree, 1. Michael Laudrup. 2. Preben Elkjaer 3. Brian Laudrup 4. Allan Simonsen 5. Peter Schmichael. 6. Jesper Olsen 7. Crhistian Eriksen 8. Martin Jorgensen 9. Morten Olsen 10. John Dalh Tomasson.
Faltou franck Arnesen, Jesper Olsen,Soren Lerby,Jan Molby,Lars Eriksen,Jam Bergreen,Henrik Andersen,Sivebaek, Allan Nielsen entre outros jogadores
Michael laudrup for me is number 1
Jesper olsen og lerby?
Agger, Martin Jørgensen?
Der var større stjerner end dem.
Bare Flemming povlsen var da bedre og mere vigitig.
Mølby? De kan godt være han har virket anonyme på landsholdet.
Men det da fordi han altid fik en defensive rolle, han spillede aldrig dårligt. Tvært imod.
Han blev bare overskygget af de offensive Lerby og Laudrup. Var en meget vigtig person i 80'erne, hvis man lagde mærke til hans spil.
Stor stjerne i England.
Ivan Nielsen og Søren Busk? Godt nok forsvars spillere men hold da kæft hvor var de gode.
Jan Rush og andre store stjerne blev pakket effektivt ind.
harald nielsen slår dem alle
New era-12.Jan Molby, 11.Jesper Olsen, 10.Christian Eriksen, 9.Frank Arnesen, 8.Henning Jensen, 7.Brian Laudrup, 6.Soren Lerby, 5.Morten Olsen, 4.Preben Elkjaer, 3.Allan Simonsen, 2.Peter Schmeichel, 1.Michael Laudrup.
Både Martin og Flemming på listen – du er garanteret fra Aarhus
Michael laudrup should get the number 1 spot
Ulrik leFevre was also an OK danish player in the 70s
I like danish players for they are skillful
But J. Hansen, K. Hansen and Praest? Glory of Juventus in the first year of '50… Do you know this past legend's? https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hansen ; https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Aage_Pr%C3%A6st https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AOCblAngTg e interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th7Wi8N684s
1. Michael Laudrup 2. Preben Elkjær 3. Brian Laudrup 4. Allan Simonsen 5. Peter Schmeichel 6. Christian Eriksen 7. Thomas Graversen 8. Jon Dahl 9. Morten Olsen 10. Daniel Agger.
Allan bedre end Michael …. arggg. Fordi man er heldig og blive kåret i 77 som europas bedste. Nej, M. Laudrup var helt klart danmarks bedste igennem alle tider.
Not sure if serious. While Simonsen was great he was nowhere near Micheal Laudrup quality. I would rank it this way: 1.M.Laudrup, 2.A. Simonsen, 3. Preben Elkjaer, 4. P. Schmeichel, 5. M. Olsen, 6. B.Laudrup, 7. S.Lerby, .8.J.Dahl Tomasson, 9. T.Gravesen, 10. F.Povlsen.
Arnesen, Lerby, J. Olsen , Molby?
# 1 Michael Laudrup!!