Spain – Valencia – Fallas Fireworks

The origin of las Fallas comes from carpenters who burned pieces of wood used to prop up their lights during the winter, celebrating the arrival of spring. They gradually started to add old belongings and rags, which gave the wooden structure a human-looking aspect, until they became the fallas that we know today. The celebration lasts 19 days. Every neighbourhood of Valencia creates a «»falla»» which is eventually burned. Each day of las Fallas begins at 8:00 am with La Despertà. Brass bands begin to march down every street playing lively music. On the 15th of March, all of the fallas have to be completed. The traditional dress worn by males has changed from black trousers and black jacket with white shirt and other motives, to colorful and a more traditional and historic custom with many decorations. These dresses can be very expensive but not as much as the dresses by the «»reinas falleras»», the queens of the festival. They are accompanied with traditional hair style and jewelry. The Mascletà, an explosive barrage of coordinated firecracker and fireworks displays, takes place at 2:00 pm every day of the festival.

00:34 Despertà
06:51 Mascletà

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Music and/or sound effects:
‘Guiton Sketch’ by Kevin MacLeod. Link: License:

Software used to create this video includes:
– iZotope post production software (
– Vegasaur toolkit (

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