Joe Biden – «Se llama fútbol» 🙈🤣 #shorts #qatar2022 #football #worldcup2022

Joe Biden – «Se llama fútbol» 🙈🤣 Este video tiene algunos enlaces de afiliados en los comentarios

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24 opiniones en “Joe Biden – «Se llama fútbol» 🙈🤣 #shorts #qatar2022 #football #worldcup2022”

  1. Guys here

    USA: so we think it call soccer because when we hear that people say football we think it football 🏈

    Other countries: u guys think is football but the people in the USA think football 🏈 like that

    So that why I think it soccer (NOT BEING RUDE)

  2. American call football soccer,The rest of the world 🌎🌍🌎🌍🌎 call it football.jesus Christ Joe read a book son,your version of football is Rugby only throwing the ball forward.Typical yanks being yanks

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