(17 May 2000) Natural Sound
Rioting erupted in Copenhagen on Wednesday between British and Turkish fans hours prior to the UEFA Cup final between Galatasaray and Arsenal.
Police fired tear gas to disperse the fans.
The match has already marred by overnight clashes and the stabbing of an English supporter, who is recovering in hospital.
APTN’s camera crew was caught in the middle of the violence between rival fans from England and Turkey.
A Turkish camerman was injured.
Helmeted riot police struggled to control the situation around outdoor restaurants near the landmark amusement park.
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turks begging for police help hahahaha cowards
Galatasaray siker
Ben bir BEŞİKTAŞLI olarak orda olsaydım galatasaraylılarla birlikte savaşırdım
English Hooligans firms vs Turkish famillies. not win Lol!
Arsenal battered the turks. The turks outnumbered the Arse 10-1 and got the shit kicked out of them. They weren't even the Herd, just normal Arsenal fans
Ingilterede boyle siktiysek turkiyede olurlerdi
I'm an arsenal FC supporter and we are the best fans in world ?? 1.40 mins into it was one of the most funniest fucking things I seen in my life.god bless you all.
An Arsenal fan claimed when he was in Copenhagen during the final match him and friends was giving support from a Danish bus driver, congratulating the Arsenal fans for fighting the Galatasaray fans. The reason the bus driver alleged that many in the Turkish community, especially in Copenhagen are quite problematic to most of the Danish society.
19 fans injured that day 18 turks 1 englishs…..who won?
Maganda Gala fans
Where are holigans?? They are just galatasaray lovers ultraslan.. they are not holigans.
e,e,eie ????
Turks never show up in Greece!
Thanks to Arsenal and a few merry men from other clubs the Turks got it that day..
barbar 6s taraftarı
The galatasary 'men' trying to beat the Arsenal fans and their allies with the weapons they would normally beat their wives with. Then there is the Gooner throwing a bike at the savages, because it was all that he could defend himself with. I'm glad that I reside in a civilised society.
Battle of Copenhagen 2021 Croatia – Spain ???
Seen girls habe better rucks than this
Respect to Arsenal Hooligans fight without knifes or weapons… That is why turkish "Hooligans" have to respect world wide cause they cant fight without knives…
knives are for pussies
England stuffs Turkey.
Turkey rabbit ??
O gün ordaydım kafama 6 dikiş atılmıştı
The only time arsenal did England proud.
Burda İngilizler tam tayfa bizimkiler münferit gurbetçiler bizim tayfa nerdeymis bu saatlerde ultrAslan asıl kıyamet onzaman koparmış
Every time the arsenal fans come back galatassaray run away again ?
Forever Galatasaray
Galatasaray got smashed by boys ?
Hooligans ??
In London that day Arsenal fans attacked an apartment block with Kosovan refugees inside who they thought were Turkish
Gala who?
Go on my boys
dua edin mac turkiyede deil yoksa olu sayisi 100 gecerdi